2023 Schedule


Teams have been placed, and the 2023 schedule has been finalized. Find your teams among the divisions, and then click through to see your teams schedule. Capos, if you already know of a match that needs to be rescheduled, you can get started now online. beniciabocce.org/reschedule Let us know if you have any questions at info@beniciabocce.org.



It’s time to start thinking about next year. Registration will be held between Jan. 28th and Mar. 11th.

This year, in order to encourage timely waiver signatures, we’re making them a requirement for registration. This means, your registration will not be complete until all waivers on your team have been signed. If you include email addresses for players, waiver emails will get sent to them automatically. Though, sometimes they don't make it to inboxes. Capos can get waiver links from their online team page and send them to their players directly.

Register here

If you are looking for a team to join, or more players for your own team, head over to the BBL - Find a Team Facebook page.

2022 Playoffs


We’ve made it to the end of the regular season. I hope everyone had a good time. Time for the Playoffs!

The Playoffs are a single elimination tournament. The top four teams from each division, plus four wildcard teams, will advance to the Playoffs. The bracket, plus information about seeds, can be viewed online at:


Here is the schedule:

  • Round 1: Sept. 6 - 9
  • Round 2: Sept. 12 - 13
  • Round 3: Sept. 14 - 15
  • Round 4: Sept. 16
  • Championships: Sept. 17

All matches are at 6pm, except for the Championship, which is at 4pm.

Remember, the Playoffs are a unique schedule. You won’t necessarily be playing on your regularly scheduled night. And if you do well, you’ll be playing multiple nights in the same week. A match for third place will be held at the same time as the Championship match.

Court Material

As mentioned previously, we have been evaluating what to do with the new material on courts 3 and 4. We didn’t find an acceptable solution to changing them mid-season. So, we’re going to wait until after the Playoffs to address it in the off season. For now, the playoff schedule has been optimized to use those two courts as little as possible, including not using them at all past Round 2.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Don’t forget to RSVP to the End of Season Party!

2022 Season Details


Here are some important details for the coming season.


Here is your board for the year:

  • President: Matt DeClaire
  • Vice President: Jorge Castaneda
  • Treasurer: John Van Blake
  • Secretary: Jenny Castaneda
  • Directors: Greg Richey, Ron Kane, Scott Reep, Zac Van Blake, Beth Szabo, Steve Pieroni, Lynn Hannafin


We are generally back to normal, without the restrictions we had in place last year. I'm sure you've noticed that we have extra content. Please read that carefully before you sign your waiver. Please perform home health checks before coming to the courts. If you have a cough or a fever greater than 100.4°, remain at home. Sanitizer will continue to be available in the sheds, but is not required this year.

Key Dates

  • Opening Day - Sunday, April 24th
  • Last day for roster changes - May 14th
  • Blackout weekends
    • Memorial Day - May 27th - 30th
    • Independence Day - July 1st - 4th
  • Tournament - Saturday, July 23rd
  • End of Year Celebration - Saturday, Sept. 10th
  • Playoffs - Sept. 6th - 17th

2022 Season


We’ve completed the registration, division placement, and scheduling process. You can see it all online.

Benicia Bocce League 2022 - Division Placements

Please take a look at your team’s schedule, and use the rescheduling process to handle any matches that don’t work for your team. Take special note of the handful of matches that aren’t scheduled on your normal day of the week.

The Capo Meeting is scheduled for April 2nd at 10am. We’re going to hold the Capo Meeting virtually again this year. But, instead of simply using a one way livestream, we’re going to use a Zoom meeting so that folks can join and ask questions live. I’ll be sending information to capos shortly.

As usual, let us know if you have any questions, info@beniciabocce.org.

The league sends out news and announcements via an email newsletter. Sign up now to stay in the loop.